Murmuration // Portrait Film photography Memphis Tn

If you have ever witnessed a murmuration of starlings, you know what a sight it is to behold.  The feeling of awe and wonder that sweeps over you is quiet spectacular.  A flock of them decided to roost at the bamboo farm nearby, providing a fun place for a photo backdrop. The black birds returned in the evening just as the sunsets and the last of the light fades.  Thank you to my friend Becky for responding so graciously to my last minute call for a model.  Such a hot mama!

This post is also part of a film photography blog circle!  Please follow along for more film goodness, from photographers all over the country.  You should end back here again when you finish.  So I am pleased to share Lea Lebrun Jones’ work with you, here!


Tech specs: Contax645 // Kodak Portra // PPI


5 thoughts on “Murmuration // Portrait Film photography Memphis Tn

  1. Maggie, these are gorgeous! A great collection of nature and portrait. I love the colors, and all those birds, wow!!! (almost creepy…now i will thinking about that Hitchcock movie!).

  2. I see starlings all the time and for years I’ve wanted to see a murmuration! Jealous girl right here! Great collection, I love how you incorporated the woman and the lace cloth into these. So moody.

  3. Pingback: These Faces! {Film} | Eaton Ohio Photographer | SE Photography

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